Haroon Mirza, Solar Symphony Solar_Corb B, Solar Symphony Solar_Corb D, 2014  Solar panels, speakers, LEDs, electronics Dimensions variable Courtesy hrm199 Ltd. and Lab'Bel . Photocredit: Nam June Paik Art Center/ Sindae Kang

Making Sense Of White Noise: Haroon Mirza

Haroon Mirza secured his first solo exhibition in Korea thanks to winning the Nam June Paik Art Center Prize. As the show comes to a close, jury member Mike Stubbs reflects on why he won,...

Fu Dai (Lucky Bag) Exhibition 2014

You’ve Got Mail! Post Your Art To Hangzhou, China

Calling all artists! Chinese curator and TDN journalist Joe Zhu is looking to exhibit your ‘Lucky Bags’;  that is, original art that is sent through the post and sold — unopened — to a...


Preston Is My Paris: Reflections On Social Class In Art And Photography

With very little writing accompanying the photographic essays of Preston is my Paris (PPP), we are left with only the semiotics of images and imagined narratives. Here, Ruth White interprets the publications’ underlying political and social significance…...

Mina Loy. Saturday — Myths of the Modern Woman 4-6pm @ The Bluecoat, Liverpool — £3

Culture Diary w/c 25-01-2016

What’s hot this week? Our pick of the arts listings from around Liverpool and the rest of the UK… PICK OF THE WEEK: Tuesday — Anne and Eva 7.30pm @ St George’s Hall,...

Liverpool Biennial: Claude Parent at Tate Liverpool

Why Do Galleries Exist?

C. James Fagan wants to be stimulated by the things he sees in the gallery. But is that what the gallery is for? Here, he ponders the broader purposes and concerns of our contemporary...

Becs Andrews: The Tempest

Remembering Becs Andrews (1978-2016)

Stage designer and visual artist Becs Andrews died earlier this month, aged just aged 37. Laura Robertson recalls a fiercely talented and charismatic individual who gained widespread acclaim for a prolific, richly imagined...

Bill Viola, Catherine's Room, 2001. Photograph by Kira Perov. ARTIST ROOMS Tate and National Galleries of Scotland

“Transcendence and the desire for human connection are integral”… ARTIST ROOMS On Tour: Bill Viola

Ruth Dillon spends time with an intense selection of Viola’s moving image works, currently on show in Gloucestershire, and is impressed by the scope and complexity of the artist’s vision… Bill Viola (born 1951) has long been recognised...

Creepshow (1982)

In Profile: Stephen King

King of the silver screen? Nik Glover analyses the best-selling novelist’s many triumphs and disasters in book-to-film adaptations, via his relationships with George A. Romero, Stanley Kubrick, Brian De Palma and the rest… Everyone remembers the sight of Jack Nicholson,...

Becs Andrews

“The world has lost a great talent”: Tributes Paid To Artist Becs Andrews

Stage designer and visual artist Becs Andrews tragically passed away earlier this month, aged just 37. Here, friends, colleagues and collaborators, from the Royal Opera House to The Royal Standard, remember a great talent…...