Glasgow Winter Season 2013: www.futureshorts.com

“A welcome retreat for cineastes on both a local and international scale”: Future Shorts Festival 2015

The largest pop-up (and free) short film festival of its kind continues its global tour in Liverpool this weekend, and is full of potential award-winners, finds Heather Garner… The cinema experience can be a trying...

Culture Diary Issue 3: July-Sept 2015

Culture Diary Liverpool July-Sept 2015: Download Now

Keen to hear about the best art, design, film and music events happening in Liverpool July-Sept 2015? Wait no more! Download the PDF version of our indispensable new pocket-guide, Culture Diary, now. In Issue 3, you’ll find...

Charlotte, wife of Jack Cooper with infant 22 April 1923 © Estate of Fred Shaw, courtesy of Gypsy Lore Society Archive, University of Liverpool

Celebrating The Outsider: Helen Sear And Fred Shaw — Reviewed

A celebration of the outsider? At the Victoria Gallery & Museum, Ruth White finds two photographers, separated by more than 100 years, find common ground in their ostracised subject matter… Visit the Victoria Gallery...

Bruce Lee: Enter the Dragon

Culture Diary w/c 27-07-2015

What’s hot this week? Our pick of the listings from around Liverpool and the rest of the UK… Tuesday – Exhibition Opening: Immaculate Confection: Works By Darrell Hawkins @ Saatchi Gallery, London –...

See We Want People Who Can Draw: Instruction and Dissent in the British Art School at Manchester Metropolitan University, Special Collections Gallery, until Friday 31 July 2015. Images courtesy of David Penny and Manchester Metropolitan University Special Collections

“Free speech my arse”: We Want People Who Can Draw — Reviewed

‘Nice rebellion, welcome in’: Liz Mitchell visits a provocative and timely exhibition challenging all those who care about the state of art education, now and in the future… It’s quiet in the Special Collections Gallery...

The Interpretation Matters Handbook -- Reviewed

Art For Everyone? The Interpretation Matters Handbook — Reviewed

Dany Louise goes head-to-head with wordy, confusing and alienating ‘artspeak’, finds Aoife Robinson, and as a result, gives us the confidence to take control of our gallery experiences… ‘X’s creative act of dissolution combines stillness and...

Geta Brătescu: Hypostasis of Medea (1980)

“An inherent playfulness alongside a total commitment to drawing”: Geta Brătescu — Reviewed

Artist, illustrator, printmaker, performer: Jack Welsh discovers an exceptionally varied and prolific body of work spanning sixty years at Tate Liverpool’s Brătescu retrospective… What significance does the studio hold for an artist? Some artists...

PICK OF THE WEEK: Indika Festival 7.30pm @ Capstone Theatre, Liverpool – £8

Culture Diary w/c 20-07-2015

What’s hot this week? Our pick of the listings from around Liverpool and the rest of the UK… Monday – Helen Marshall: Performing For The Camera 1pm @ Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool –...

The Whitworth Gallery

In Pictures: RIBA Stirling Prize 2015 Nominees

The nominations are in! We take a look at the shortlisted structures vying for the top spot as Britain’s best new building… Competing for the most prestigious accolade in architecture, this year’s Royal...
