Culture Diary w/c 23-09-13
Monday – Christine 9pm @ FACT We must admit to having sidestepped last week’s start of Stephen King season at FACT. Being that it began its run with recent Frank Darabont turkey, The...

Monday – Christine 9pm @ FACT We must admit to having sidestepped last week’s start of Stephen King season at FACT. Being that it began its run with recent Frank Darabont turkey, The...
Monday – The London Design Festival @ various venues across the city (London) Launched last Saturday, The London Design Festival gets into full swing this week; celebrating its 10th anniversary, 2013′s installment squeezes in an impressive...
Friday – SPACE IS NOT A VOID Private View @ The Royal Standard 6pm FREE Curated by out-going director Madeline Hall, SPACE IS NOT A VOID – an exhibition “incorporating contemporary collage and sculptural assemblages” – features...
Monday – Make-Room with Tim Etchells, visible 24 hours a day @ 3rd floor window, 141-145 Curtain Road (East London) FREE Creating ‘awkward moments of intimacy and encounter in a public setting’, artist and neon sign-maker Tim...
Monday – Othello 7.15pm @ the Kazimier £10/£8/£5 A week-long run of Shakespeare’s compelling tragedy Othello begins tonight at the Kazimier, proving once again this venue isn’t just the home of some of...
Monday – The Man Who Fell to Earth 6pm @ FACT Adapted from the 1963 novel of the same name by Walter Tevis (The Hustler, Mocking Bird), The Man Who Fell to Earth...
Monday – Art Everywhere Nationwide “22,000 poster sites, 57 works of art, 2 weeks.” Bus stops, tube stations and advertising hoardings combine to play host to “the world’s largest” exhibition. ‘Curated’ by the public...
Monday – From up on Poppy Hill various times @ FACT It says much of Studio Ghibli that each new addition to their stable is now greeted with fanfare (in the West as...
Monday – Ranajit Sengupta and Sanjukta Sinha 7.30pm @ the Capstone Theatre £10/£8 It’s not often we see a sarod maestro in full swing here in rainy Britain, so take the opportunity to experience the...