Yating Zheng, RCA2024

The Big Interview: Jonathan Boyd, Head of Programme for Jewellery & Metal MA (JaM) at the Royal College of Art


Pushing the idea of jewellery to breaking point, Royal College of Art tutor Jonathan Boyd is encouraging the next generation of designers and artists to exponentially challenge their practice. He tells Laura Robertson...

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The Shining: A Visual and Cultural Haunting – In Conversation with Craig Oldham


“I think my favourite remark of Kubrick’s [is] about the belief in ghosts as a fundamentally optimistic point of view.” Ahead of a new publication addressing the enduring fascination with The Shining, we...


In These Times: Pandemic Conversations – Amy Cummings


“Becoming more resourceful has been a very helpful part of this situation.” For our latest In These Times series in partnership with Liverpool John Moores School of Graphic Design & Illustration, we spoke...


In These Times: Pandemic Conversations – Lucy Topping


“Creative students aren’t getting the recognition for how we’ve adapted.” For our latest In These Times series in partnership with Liverpool John Moores School of Graphic Design & Illustration, we spoke to second-year...

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In These Times: Pandemic Conversations – Emma Brown


“You learn to make things work.” For our latest In These Times series in partnership with Liverpool John Moores School of Graphic Design & Illustration, we spoke to first-year student Emma Brown about...

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In These Times: Pandemic Conversations – Meg O’Flynn


“The pandemic has definitely impacted my practice.” In a new series in partnership with Liverpool John Moores School of Graphic Design & Illustration, we’re speaking with students about their experiences during extraordinary circumstances....


“It has a lot of meaning to a lot of people” – Tim Easley on The Moon


The Moon, for so long unknowable, has inspired much myth and folklore. With science and space travel bringing us, at least metaphorically closer, interest has – arguably – intensified. We caught up with...


On Political Temperament – Keller Easterling


As we watch on as a struggle of binaries plays out in the US, ahead of the publication of her timely new book, architect and writer Professor Keller Easterling asks: ”What if political stances...


“Music will always be there” – A Conversation with Ben O’Brien


During the last few months we have turned like never before to popular culture to see us through lockdown. We caught up with illustrator Ben O’Brien to chat about creativity, and keeping busy...