Culture Diary w/c 30-10-2017
Our pick of this week’s arts, design, film and music events from around the North of England and the rest of the UK – and most of it’s free! PICK OF THE WEEK:...

Ed Montana-Williams finds that the competition to design a new cathedral for Liverpool in 1960 received architectural ideas not of veneration, but of commemoration; referencing Cold War anxiety, rocket-like structures and concrete bunkers…...
How can Denis Villeneuve’s new Blade Runner 2049 live up to Ridley Scott’s original? A film that took Philip K Dick’s famous source novel, and went on to spawn its own mythology, as...
What would happen if Blade Runner’s Voight-Kampff test – a polygraph-like machine used to determine its subject’s humanity – was applied to the cinematic form itself? Nik Glover dons his best Deckard trench...
As they seek applications for their Spring 2018 Launch Pad exhibition, Bob Dickinson sings the praises of the Manchester-based, contemporary art gallery who love to work with writers… Castlefield Gallery’s Launch Pad exhibitions have...
Feeling powerless? Interested in alternative forms of activism? Join us on the 10 October 2017 to discuss how Sarah Corbett of the Craftivist Collective is championing the art of gentle protest… If we want...
What’s Left? A Century in Revolution at Tyneside Cinema Newcastle marks the centenary of the 1917 October Revolution in Russia. Mike Pinnington interviews programme curator Úna Henry to find out how the films examine global...