Yin Ying Kong

Yin Ying Kong

Profession: artist + post-disciplinary designer + writer + researcher.

Tell us about you: I’m from Singapore; have been in London for about four years; and am currently a student in Writing, formerly in Design, and before that in Visual Arts. I like to start research projects on things I know nothing about and rarely write about the same thing twice.

What inspires you? ‘A-ha!’ moments, cups of Milo, vintage store pound sales, shows with no-photography policies, documents with doodles in messy archives, footnotes without word count limits, semi-colons, and hacking boulder problems.

What do you love about where you live? London: morning walks through Hyde Park to get to RCA, having an endless ‘things to see’ list, sketching at shows for hours, and climb-time! Singapore: Vitamin D, food, family.

What’s your favourite local hangout? The Chinese supermarket in Bayswater, Greenwich Park and the Royal Observatory, and (less local) outdoor boulders in the Peak District.

What would your superpower be? To extend museum hours at will.

Tell us a secret. I prepare dinner with extra for lunch the next day and end up eating everything for dinner.


Insta yinying.kyy
