Steph Moffat
Profession: Fine Art student at LJMU, collector of bow ties and wrathful feminist.
What inspires you? Natural history museums, Surrealism and late night conversations with weirdos on public transport.
What would your superpower be? To take pictures with my eyes; since it’s socially unacceptable to stop people in the street and ask to photograph them. Either that, or the power to get my eyeliner even.
Favourite local hangout? The Egg Café- they do a mean Moroccan veg stew, and they have wifi. What more could you want?
I also like hiding out at my allotment plot in Birkenhead, where I spend more time chasing shiny insects and trying to get the local cats to love me, than actually growing things.
Tell us a secret. To wind my mum up once, I switched her TV to Babestation and took the batteries out of the remote so it got stuck on that channel. Her face was priceless, and she still thinks I think she was watching it on purpose. Soz Ma.