Marc Hall

Marc Hall

Profession: Playlist Curator. Design Analyst – Not as dull as it sounds but at the same time I won’t bore you with  the detail.

Tell us about youI’m embracing my early decent into cantankerous old bastard.  It is now clear that my entire life has been building up to the point where I moan about everything that has no purpose.

What inspires you? Something I’ve never seen before.   Are all the idea’s taken?  Have we used every sequence of chords?  Has every story been told?

What do you love about Liverpool? It’s a city that’s worked against the odds to evolve but at the same time embrace its history.

What would your superpower be? To be able to turn anything into Lego.  Do you like my Lego shoes?  Of course, I would use my superpowers for evil.

Favourite local hangout? I like beer.  I like pizza.  I like Tribeca.

Tell us a secret. My friend Anthony likes wearing ladies tights.
