Lauren Velvick
Profession: Writer/Editor/Sales Assistant.
Tell us about you: Writer and occasional curator and artist living in Salford, writing about contemporary art, amongst other things. Editor of Corridor8 Online, where you’ll find reviews of selected exhibitions across the North, and interviews. Currently working on cataloguing and exhibiting paintings by my late uncle Christopher J Holme, which you can follow here, and the occasional bit of blogging for Fred Aldous.
What inspires you? Encountering every day creativity and intensely boring/meditative city walks, all sorts of things!
What do you love about Liverpool? I don’t live there but Liverpool is one of my primary day trip destinations, and I love that I almost know my way around but never quite manage to get to everything I want to see — till next time.
What would your superpower be? Perfect memory.
Favourite local hangout? So many! I’m incapable of choosing favourites, but I’d like to recommend North Tea Power for their coffee and exhibitions, and Nexus Art Cafe, which also houses the Salford Zine Library.
L.Velvick[at] / lv[at]
Twitter @LaurenVelvick