Jack Welsh
Profession: Freelance researcher, writer and artist.
Tell us about you: Cancer. Non-smoker. Likes to write about all things related to contemporary art, urbanism and placemaking. Research specialism is public art within underground transport networks. GSOH.
What inspires you? Engaging with art, finding out new things, cities, travelling, wandering aimlessly, an outstanding cup of coffee, getting on the train somewhere new, good people.
What do you love about where you live? Ah, Liverpool: its vibrant cultural life; the amazing Georgian Quarter boozers; it’s geographical location, both to other cities and by the sea; sunsets from The Royal Standard; and its jaw-dropping history and character. What’s not to love?
Favourite local hangout? Honourable mentions to Bold Street Coffee, FACT, The Ship & Mitre and Peter K’s.
What would your superpower be? I often daydream of being Magneto (the Fassbender version) — does that count?
Tell us a secret? I’m slightly obsessed by London Underground and know far too much about it.
Twitter: @JackWelsh10
Instagram: jackwelsh