Gareth Woollam
Profession: Part Artist, Part Writer, Part Architect.
Tell us about you: I’m a Fine Art graduate of Liverpool Art School. An interest in space, place and utopianism combined with a tendency for self-flagellation led me to study architecture. The fallout/results of my attempts to assimilate the two can to be found in The College of the Six Days Works’ publications, screenings, conversations and projects.
What inspires you? The promise of turning a corner keeps me going. When something you’re engaging with or ‘making’ starts to make sense, you get a grasp. It’s fleeting because it’s a never ending process but it makes it worthwhile.
What do you love about Liverpool? It seems to inspire commitment in people. The spirit of the place is relentless and I think that rubs off on people’s attitudes.
What would your superpower be? Time manipulation – forward, rewind, speed up, slow down all at my behest.
Favourite local hangout? The Number Seven, Coffee Union, The Hub Cafe, The Green Fish, George Henry Lee, Brew, The Door, Christians, Beluga Bar.
Tell us a secret. I don’t have much luck with hangouts…