David L Rattigan
Profession: Freelance writer, editor, creative.
Tell us about you: British, Canadian, Liverpudlian and Prescotian. I’ve written about everything from faith healers and gay conversion therapy to ghost trains and the jumping frog of Calaveras County, and I edit Prescot Online and the upcoming horror journal Bedlam. If my house were on fire, I’d grab my coffee grounds, then my laptop.
What inspires you? Great writers, artists and creatives – Christopher Isherwood, Jack Trevor Story, Jacques Tati, Benjamin Britten.
What do you love about Liverpool? The Scouse accent.
What would your superpower be? Making sock monkeys appear out of nowhere.
Favourite local hangout? Liverpool Cathedral.
Tell us a secret. I still sleep with the yellow security blanket I’ve had since I was a baby.