Conal Hughes

Conal Hughes

Profession: Full-time Politics and Comms student, part-time TV critic and future galactic overlord.

Tell us about youIrish born and raised. Periodic immigrant to the land of the Scousers. Escapee from village life and now embracing the city. Lots of things make me excited. I could have multiple personalities but in a good way… or so one of me thinks anyway.

What inspires you? Adventure and Passion. I loathe mediocrity and complacency. Get excited about an idea and I’ll get excited too.

What do you love about Liverpool? The city is a kaleidoscope. Every way I turn I discover something new. When I think I’ve got it sussed, it changes and my understanding changes with it.

What would your superpower be? Obviously mind control. Life would be so much simpler if people just did what they were told. Does that sound a bit self centred? I am sometimes wrong about things though. It’s happened once or twice.

Favourite local hangout? Lying on the grass in Abercromby Square but only when it’s sunny and Strongbow is involved. Yes, I drink Strongbow out of a plastic bottle. I’m a student, don’t judge me. I’m skint.

Tell us a secret. I used to rub 50p’s because I thought The Queen’s Nose might actually be real. Still holding out hope.
