Anna McNay

Anna McNay

Profession: Art Writer / Editor.

Tell us about you: I’m an art writer and editor with a background in academic linguistics. I am Assistant Editor at Art Quarterly, but also freelance on the side, reviewing and interviewing for a range of print and online art and photography magazines and journals. I also write catalogue essays and host in conversation events. My key areas of interest are representations of the body, sexuality and gender.

What inspires you? Art that speaks to me on a personal level and makes me realise that someone else out there is feeling the same as me. Travel and seeing new places and ways of life.

What do you love about the place you live in? London is the epicentre of so many things and there is never a shortage of fantastic new exhibitions to visit.

What would your superpower be? The ability to relax!

Favourite local hangout? The Brompton Cemetery. It’s an oasis of peace in the midst of a busy area and a place to watch the seasons change and see the families of foxes and squirrels at play.

Tell us a secret I’m a fairly open book. Ask me direct and I’ll answer!

Twitter: @annamcnay

Instagram: @annamcnay
