Search Results for: pete goodbody

Total posts found for "pete goodbody" — 27

We’ll Miss You, Pete: Honouring Photographer Peter Goodbody

We were devastated to learn of the recent passing of our friend and contributor, Pete Goodbody: photographer and cultural philanthropist. Pete, or P3dro, was a talented photographer and writer with a keen interest...


Liverpool’s River Of Light
– In Pictures

“River of Light is a tonic.” Pete Goodbody on the festival we need after a challenging twelve months… One year after lockdown was imposed, Liverpool slowly emerges, with tiny steps to take a...

The Night of the Hunter – Previewed

Culture Diary w/c 09-09-2019

Our pick of this week’s arts, design, film and music events from around the North of England and the rest of the UK – and loads of it’s free! Monday – Scalarama/Venues Nationwide...

Frank Benson, Juliana (2014-2015). GOSH! IS IT ALIVE? The human body takes over ARKEN, Denmark, with warts and all. 4 February to 6 August 2017. Images courtesy Pete Goodbody 2017.

Field Trip: Gosh! Is It Alive? ARKEN Museum Of Modern Art, Denmark

Why is it that hyperrealistic depictions of the human form are so unsettling? Pete Goodbody travels to Denmark to experience unnervingly realistic sculpture at ARKEN…  Designed to resemble a beached ship, the ARKEN Museum of Modern Art...

Luke Ching's room-sized pinhole cameras, at LOOK/17

“Playing With Time”: Artist Luke Ching Makes Giant Pinhole Camera For LOOK/17

Photography made from a pinhole camera the size of a hotel room will be the star attraction at LOOK/17 festival. Pete Goodbody meets the artist, Luke Ching, to hear more about his peculiar...

My Bed: Tracey Emin and William Blake: In Focus at Tate Liverpool from 18 September 2016-3 September 2017. Install images courtesy Pete Goodbody, with thanks

“Uncompromising, naked, blunt… Humanity in extremis”: Tracey Emin And William Blake @ Tate Liverpool — Reviewed

In a new exhibition at Tate Liverpool, Liz Mitchell navigates a sobering variety of portraiture, from two very different mavericks… Blood red walls and a stew of dirty sheets. Fag butts and corn plasters;...

Intermissions: Images from the Edward Chambré-Hardman Commercial Portrait Collection by Keith Roberts

Intermissions: The Quiet Portraits Of Edward Chambré-Hardman

Liverpool Central Library’s current exhibition, Intermissions, reveals a fascinating insight into the portfolio of one of the city’s most prolific landscape photographers: namely, his portraiture business that paid the bills. What is revealed,...

Kirsten Dunst, Fargo (Channel 4)

Dunst, Dreamers And Drones: The Double Negative Awards 2015

We have asked our critics to name their cultural winners of 2015: who will make the cut? What to say about a year where The Double Negative discussed shame with Jon Ronson? Watched...

Antony Gormley: HORIZON II (2014), Carbon and casein on paper.

“Contemplate what it is to be human”: Antony Gormley’s Elemental — Reviewed

Although they may not be as instantly accessible as his Iron Men, an afternoon spent with Gormley’s Elemental drawings is time well spent, says Kellie Grogan… Antony Gormley uses art as a way to...
