EARWIG by Lucile Hadzihalilovic_Mia_web

“Strange and Frequently Disturbing” Earwig – Reviewed

“It feels daring, thrilling almost, in this age of ‘content’, to not have all the details laid out for us like breadcrumbs.” Mike Pinnington reviews Lucile Hadzihalilovic’s oneiric latest film, Earwig…  Almost every frame...


“The Folklore is Seriously Spooky”
Adam Scovell: On Nettles

Adam Scovell’s latest novel, Nettles, tells the tale of a boy – relentlessly bullied at secondary school – who takes refuge in nearby marshland. As with his previous works, Nettles is punctuated and...


Radical Landscapes:
Routes and Roots

“A nuanced and diverse expression of landscape art.” In an essay excerpted from Tate Liverpool’s Radical Landscapes exhibition catalogue, journalist and writer Anita Sethi explores how identity is shaped by our relationship to place…...

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The Shining: A Visual and Cultural Haunting – In Conversation with Craig Oldham

“I think my favourite remark of Kubrick’s [is] about the belief in ghosts as a fundamentally optimistic point of view.” Ahead of a new publication addressing the enduring fascination with The Shining, we...

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Lucy McKenzie, Animals and Beggars

“I perceive myself to be inhabiting a place that is more than the installation alone.” In our third text in response to Lucy McKenzie’s retrospective exhibition at Tate Liverpool, artist Roy Claire Potter...


Culture Diary w/c 14-02-2022

Our pick of this week’s arts, design, film and music events from around the North of England and the rest of the UK – and loads of it’s free! Monday – Jules et Jim...


“Fresh and energising.” Light Sensitive Area Ahead – Reviewed

“It remains a powerful and nuanced visual language.” Mike Pinnington explores Gareth Kemp’s Light Sensitive Area Ahead, a new body of work in conversation with the past, present and future of abstract art…...


Culture Diary w/c 07-02-2022

Our pick of this week’s arts, design, film and music events from around the North of England and the rest of the UK! Monday – Van Gogh. Self-Portraits @ the Courtauld Gallery, London –...

Larry Achiampong and David Blandy, Dust to Data (2021). Image by Rob Battersby. Installation view at FACT-web

“A provocation and a lens.” Future Ages Will Wonder – Reviewed

FACT’s exhibition Future Ages Will Wonder serves as both provocation and lens by which to address historical wrongs and to consider how we’ll be remembered by generations to come. Via the writings of...
