Culture Diary w/c 23-07-12
Tuesday – The Turin Horse 6pm @ FACT
In the January of 1899, renowned German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche witnessed the flogging of a horse in the street that affected him so deeply some say it led to his complete mental collapse. Hungarian director Bela Tarr uses this flogging as the jumping off point for what he says will be his final movie, The Turin Horse. Rather than follow the final months of Nietzsche’s life, Tarr opts instead to look at the other side of the tale; that of the working horse and its struggling farmer master.
Wednesday – Savages 7.30pm @ Leaf £6
Coming to light 6 months ago in a relatively low-key support slot for British Sea Power, all-girl four-piece Savages currently lay claim to that most dubious of honours, being ‘amongst the most-hyped bands in the UK’. One hopes that they recognise this most poisoned of chalices for what it is – a media tool – and continue to tread their own path, in their own time, evoking Joy Division and Siouxsie and the Banshees as they go. Catch them while they’re hot, with support from Palma Violets and Death at Sea.
Thursday – Dreams of a life 7pm @ Wolstenholme Creative Space £6
On 25th January 2006, a grim discovery was made in a bedsit in North London. There, with TV still on, and surrounded by a pile of unopened Christmas Presents, was the body of Joyce Vincent. She had lain undiscovered for approximately three years. In Dreams of a Life, filmmaker Carol Morley set about piecing together the loose ends of how this could have happened to a young woman considered to be full of vitality. Following the screening at Wolstenholme Creative Space will be informal drinks and a discussion of the film over the road at Mello Mello.
Friday – The Krunk O******s 6pm @ The Kazimier Garden £4
We’ve had it rammed down our throats for what seems like (because it has been) years, there’s a show about it so expertly delivered it’s like watching documentary footage, but finally the London Olympics is here this Friday. And if you’re anything like us, you’ll be finding reasons to avoid it at all costs. Instead of all costs though, The Kazimier offer up a £4 alternative with a BBQ, bands (including The Macrae Sisters, Speakeasy Bootleg Band and Krunk National Anthem Band) and DJs. There’s also some – as yet unconfirmed – human endeavour thrown in for good measure.
Saturday – The Bear Social 8pm @ Elevator £4
If you like your guitar rock time signatures like your hair-cuts - asymmetrical – then we’d hazard a guess that this latest instalment of The Bear Social is for you. Boasting math-rock from Muto Leo and the superbly eclectic Vasco Da Gama, the evening is augmented by the indie-pop of Married To The Sea and Surf-core duo, Beach Skulls.
Sunday – Acoustic Air Raid 2pm – 6.30pm @ St.Luke’s Church
They say never go back. But for Harvest Sun, returning to the bombed out church must be awash with nostalgia-hewn good memories. The scene of their first ever gig, this weekend sees them head back with a host of sunkissed tunes in tow. Molly Jones and Lee Southall top a bill chock-full of Americana, Psych-Folk, and Acoustic loveliness, rounded off with DJs and after party at the Kazimier Garden. Sweet.
The Manchurian Candidate 6pm @ FACT
Set in an America still reeling from the aftermath of Korea and amid the blinding light of cold-war paranoia, The Manchurian Candidate came at a time ripe for the exploitation of public concerns. Laced with poignant questions about the power and reach of the US government, the film, directed by John Frankenheimer and starring Fran Sinatra, picks over what happens when those at the highest levels go too far in their desire to shape and control our world.