Blog North #2: Destination Tate
Following the success of the inaugural Blog North event in May, Creative Tourist and co. rock up to Tate next weekend, with top blogging tips in-store…
Next weekend sees Blog North make its first foray into Merseyside, with Tate Liverpool the place to be. The day, designed by bloggers for bloggers, presents an opportunity to learn some of the tricks of the trade so that the website you lovingly curate and populate gets the profile and attention it deserves.
Beginning in the morning (after refreshments, natually), the day gets underway with a workshop led by Martin Bryant, co-founder of the Social Media Cafe and Managing Editor of internet tech site, The Next Web. ‘Cutting edge social tools for a better online life’ is all about using the latest tools and trends to the benefit of your professional and personal life.
Next up is a masterclass on using Twitter. Yeah, we all understand that its primary purpose is to stalk and/or make contact with celebs you previously had no access to, but it’s also a powerful tool in terms of driving traffic and getting your content to as wide an audience as possible. Speaker for this session is Emma Bearman, the woman behind the Culture Vultures blog, who happen to have more than 15,000 Twitter followers to their name.
After a break for lunch (provided by Tate) and a chance for a general schmooze with the guys from Creative Tourist, et al, it’s the turn of – you guessed it – The Double Negative. The Love Your Blog Q&A, in which we will dazzle you with tales of how we got started, run, manage and promote our site, will be an informal affair, with plenty of chances to chat, ask questions and learn from other bloggers.
Of course, a trip to the Tate wouldn’t feel complete without the opportunity to take in some art-work while you’re there. To that end, the ticket price includes access to the current (and stunning) Turner, Monet, Twombly exhibition. If you still want more (and why wouldn’t you?), after your fill of the galleries, you can pick up any conversations you might have begun during the day in an open networking session, lead, again by team TDN. That’s us!
We are thrilled to offer TDN readers a 10% discount on tickets! Just click on this link for more details about the day and enter the promotional code blognorth521 to get your discount
Blog North #2 @ Tate Liverpool, Saturday 4th August 10am – 4.30pm