Culture Diary w/c 19-08-13
Monday – The Man Who Fell to Earth 6pm @ FACT Adapted from the 1963 novel of the same name by Walter Tevis (The Hustler, Mocking Bird), The Man Who Fell to Earth...

Monday – The Man Who Fell to Earth 6pm @ FACT Adapted from the 1963 novel of the same name by Walter Tevis (The Hustler, Mocking Bird), The Man Who Fell to Earth...
The largest exhibition of its kind, Art Everywhere opened this week. Freya Carr considers the results… On Picton Road, Liverpool, there’s a stately – or rather, queenly – figure surveying the build-up of...
With artwork sat side-by-side with nature, Emma Sumner finds Yorkshire Sculpture Park is exactly what it’s cracked up to be… There’s no other place in the world like Yorkshire Sculpture Park, or so...
Ahead of a live screening from the David Bowie is exhibition, we take a look at the year that has seen the release of a new Bowie album, and, why we still care...
Cosplay, Nintendo and cakes with faces, all in a day’s work for Hyper Japan, the UK’s biggest J-culture showcase… The train on the way to Hyper Japan is packed with girls toting Hello...
Helped on his way by disability theatre company RAWD, C James Fagan went off around Liverpool in search of love… As much as I can make out contemporary dating has much in common...
Monday – Art Everywhere Nationwide “22,000 poster sites, 57 works of art, 2 weeks.” Bus stops, tube stations and advertising hoardings combine to play host to “the world’s largest” exhibition. ‘Curated’ by the public...
Years spent in the bosom of a band means a foray into solo material can often go either way. We caught up with Ladytron’s Helen Marnie to talk about her first solo record,...
Internationally admired event movies and the perfect cure for a hangover? Studio Ghibli’s wonders never cease… Nursing a hangover on Saturday, it was with some relief to find My Neighbour Totoro, a product...