
Film Podcast #4: Japanese crime drama Himizu and this week’s film news

DW Mault reviews Shion Sono’s Himizu: two teenagers living a dystopian existence in post-tsunami Japan embark on a campaign of violence against evil wrong doers. Film news on The Great Gatsby and The...

Worlds of Possibility, Domino Records

Playlist #19: The Domino Effect

Brit-pop was an important time for the UK music industry, not least because it led one man to introduce US indie to a saturated, tired scene…  In 2003, a proto team Double Negative...

Artist of the Month: Alice Duke

Artist of the Month: Alice Duke

Introducing our latest Artist of the Month, comic afficionado and illustrator Alice Duke … Illustrator, concept artist, graphic novel artist, comic artist … whatever Alice Duke calls herself, her skills are as impressive...

Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin

Field Trip #12: Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin

Berlin: a city where gothic meets space age architecture… Fired up on caffeine courtesy of a beautiful cafe in north east Berlin (Anna Blumen), I rock up at the Neue Nationalgalerie, where construction...

Smiling Wolf design studio

Smiling Wolf

Wondering who’s behind the extremely slick design of Camp and Furnace? Wonder no more… For anybody who’s popped down to the Baltic Triangle recently, odds are your destination was Camp and Furnace on...

Film Podcast #3

Film Podcast #3: Flowers of War, Olympic Shorts and Sight & Sound’s Greatest Films Poll

DW Mault reviews Yimou Zhang’s Flowers of War, Olympic short films, and BFI’s Sight & Sound 2012 poll of the Top 50 Greatest Films of All Time. Hosted by director and cineaste DW Mault, with...

Manchester Deaf Institute

The Blog North Awards

We all have our favourite writers and websites, the ones we read everyday. Now we can vote for their recognition… Pretty much everyone has access to a blog these days, right? Many of...

Tippi Hedren, The Birds

Who’s that girl? Tippi Hedren In Conversation

Tippi Hedren’s relationship with Alfred Hitchcock is part of Hollywood lore, and remains a favourite subject of the actor herself… In 1964, Tippi Hedren starred alongside Sean Connery in Marnie, a film arguably...

No Direction, Eric Bridgeman

No Direction @ The Royal Standard

  There are effigies of One Direction alight in The Royal Standard car-park. C James Fagan braves the flames and investigates…  The weather is all over the place today, going from rain to...
