Search Results for: john moores painting prize

Total posts found for "john moores painting prize" — 60

Culture Diary w/c 24-06-2024

Our pick of this week’s arts, design, film and music events from across Liverpool and beyond… Monday – Brendan Lyons: After/Before (by appointment until Friday) @ Bridewell Studios & Gallery – FREE  Short-run show for...


Culture Diary w/c 20-05-2024

Our pick of this week’s arts, design, film and music events from across Liverpool and beyond… Monday – Pit and the Pendulum 6.20pm @ FACT Liverpool – £8 A timely screening of Pit and the...

Mike Pinnington on Vallisaari island, Helsinki. Photograph by Laura Robertson

Field Trip: Helsinki, Finland – Happiness and Cultural Guardians

Taking in climate change at Helsinki Biennial, diversity at the Ateneum, and visiting contrasting new galleries in an art school and bar toilets (!), Mike Pinnington’s return to Finland’s capital city is a timely reminder...

JMW Turner - Waves Breaking Against the Wind © Tate_web

Culture Diary w/c 18-09-2023

Our pick of this week’s arts, design, film and music events from across Liverpool and beyond… Monday – Drawing with coal: Liverpool to Silesia @ Editions Gallery, Liverpool – FREE Featuring the work of...

Tan Bide - Benjamin_web

2020 & 2022 John Moores Painting Prize China Winners Group Show

“A celebration of prize-winning artists.” Mike Pinnington reflects on the 2020 & 2022 John Moores Painting Prize China Group Show…  There has long been misguided talk about painting having reached the end of the...


Culture Diary w/c 11-09-2023

Our pick of this week’s arts, design, film and music events from across Liverpool and beyond… Monday – Exhibition Opening: 2020 & 2022 John Moores Painting Prize China Winners Group Show 3pm @ the...

Stephen Clarke Rear view mirror-banner

Culture Diary w/c 24-04-2023

Our pick of this week’s arts, design, film and music events – and loads of it’s free! Monday – Alien Resident: Under Investigation @ Ropes & Twines, Bold Street, Liverpool – FREE We’ve long...

Paper Hats by Kathryn Maple (oil on canvas_detail)-web

Kathryn Maple: Under a Hot Sun – Reviewed

“I wouldn’t paint the walls in my house pink, green and brown, so why do these hues work so well here?” Kathryn Maple’s aptly titled exhibition at the Walker Art Gallery resonates with...


Culture Diary w/c 07-06-21

Welcome to Culture Diary – a roundup of the current arts, design, film and music events that have taken our eye. Loads of new shows have either opened or reopened recently. So, if...
